Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thoughts: A New Beginning

A new year is upon us yet again. Its time to try to once again refocus myself on the work that needs to be done to get to the future that is what I wish to happen. As with last year, one of the things that I need to fix is my apparent ADD that I seem to always have when it comes to trying to focus on my task at hand. I always start with the best of intentions, but I always seem to fall short. I have started many projects, but I have finished o'so few of them.

My triumphs though of this past year, I have managed to get some models up for sale and free download. The free downloads are doing pretty well, but sadly I have not gotten a sale yet. Although, the fact I only have 5 models currently up for sale probably has something to do with that. Alas, this is a start and a great one as well. I hope to get a fair bit more models up this coming year. I also hope to make a sale, even if it is just a few bucks in profits, perhaps it shall provide me a bit more of inspiration to continue on the path. Things always look the most bleak before the sun comes up, or say its said, so perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel?

At least for the career minded portion of my life, that IS the triumphs for the year. The year went much quicker then I expected it to, this year is likely to do the same. Which forces me to act quicker which each passing moment. What will the new year hold? What will be my accomplishments? What will be my failures? For I assure you, there will be failures. How will I over come the obstacles to learn from these failures so I dont repeat them again in the future?

My failures this year: Wanting to learn and use more with the DSLR that I have in my possession. I have a camera and wish to get some photos for use as textures for 3d modeling purposes or for posting up for sale for others to make use of. I have the tools, yet, cant seem to get it through that I actually need to go out and use it to get those photos taken. Its a simple matter really, get dressed, go out, click the shutter, go back inside, edit inside photoshop for later use and posting. Done. The closest I get to that is, waking up.

Lesson for the new year: Waking up earlier. Getting work done on those days when I work the afternoon shift instead of sleeping till I need to get ready for work. That would give me a few hours at least of which I can work on things that need to be completed. Would give me time to read a few of the books I have purchased to teach me new skills for use with these projects. Would give me time to go out and take a picture of a tree, the grass, a cloud, the sky, a brick wall, random animals and so on and so forth. Do I get the picture? (no pun intended) Time will tell.

My failure this year #2: Modeling. I am modeling, but, its taken me way to long to complete a simple model such as a chair. Sure, I can chalk some of this up to inexperience. I have only been back into modeling heavy for the last two years now. I have had to relearn alot of what I forgot in that absence. But, the main thing is, even with forgetting alot of my training before, it should NOT take me two weeks to model a simple dresser. I proved that the other night, modeling an armoire in just about 3 hours. I am still not completed with the model though, I finished the modeling in 3 hours, but because of lack of working on this and finding excuses, I have been working on that model now for almost a week. I have most of it textured and UVmapped finally, but I could probably have had it posted in about an hour after I finished the modeling. I did not though. I got sidetracked by things and did not follow through.

Lesson for the new year #2: Follow through. As I said, I start ALOT of projects, I finish very few of them. I am the creator of my destiny, and right now the destiny I am creating will never be completed because I will get distracted by a shiney object in the background and walk off forgetting about it for a few months before I get back to it. I need to figure out a way to set a schedule and stick to it. This year I would like to add 100 small items to my online model store. I would also wish to add several larger objects to it as well. These large objects will take me much time to work on, but it will help boost my confidence level if I can ever manage to get them completed. Everytime I get distracted and dont complete a project, my confidence level in my abilities goes down alot. I need to rectify this and complete things, as I know I can do.

Projects for the year I wish to work on:


As stated above, I would like to add 100 small objects to my online store. This would include chairs, tables, lamps and various other small assets scene around the house.

On top of this, I need to create a few larger projects as well. These will be more inline with the Venetian bridge I wish to create. It will take me much time for these, and texturing and all that will take even more time. So I will need to budget my time between these large projects and small ones so I can work on them at the same time.


Finally learning my camera and making use of the abilities it can add to my overall workflow. Learning a bit more about retouching, and trying to retouch my photos just for simple posting, instead of trying to be a professional right out of the gate. This will help me get used to the controls and workflow, as well as just giving me time to play in photoshop again.

Using the camera to take textures. Simple to do overall, allows me to do some post work as well. Then create the maps and after I get 10 or so, post up for sale. Simple really and I need to get on this. How though? Walk in the park I think would be great. We found a great pond inside of south park (local park) which is a great area for photography. Plus they have ducks :)

Movie world

Working on a unknown project with Matt that will give me a reason to start learning some compositing work as well. This should be an interesting experience for sure, I just dont know much details on this yet to even know where to start on this one.

Ipod Development

Working on a project with Chris as well. Will be a simple game for an ipod service that we can post up and make a few bucks for hopefully. Once again, more details on this project later as it develops.

Now, we look forward and never back, and we create that future that we only see inside of our minds and make it a reality. There is only one person that can persue that goal, that person is me. I am also though my worst enemy as I am the only person that can hold myself back. Time to destroy that person and to make a few steps forward instead of jogging backwards.

Craig Menne

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thoughts: Back on Track

Working once more, seems halo has taken a bit more of my time then I prefer to acknowledge.

Anyway, the chair model I am working on is nearing completion finally. I actually managed to finish the modeling about 2 weeks ago, but halo came between us lol. I have the chair Uv mapped for easy texture access, its modeled to scale and set at the 0,0,0 coordinate plane. So I think I shall be posting it up for free download later today. I am just awaiting my render to get done showcasing it.

Also, planning here in the next hour or so going and start taking pictures for my first full scale personal project. This project I expect to spend a long long time working on, as I believe it is above my skill set currently, but it will be nice to try anyway and see what I can do. Either way, shall post more about that once the project is underway.

More to come...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Retouching: Addendum to photo retouching post below...

Realised as I was looking at my work files, that the method that I am using right now, does not allow me to go back and retouch the skin I had been smoothing. Granted the results are nice, having the ability to go back and retouch anything at all at any time is worth much more then the current workflow I have.

So far I am thinking I need to do things in this order:

1. Color adjustments allowing me to better represent the full range of colors inside of the image. These are then grouped and left at the top of the stack.

2. Skin retouching. This was where I messed up before, I need to actually do this FIRST, and not wait and do it after the skin tone is fixed. The reason being, the current way I do skin tone is uneditable if I do it first. Fixing skin tone second allows me to work out all the blemishes first.... or perhaps I just need to rethink how I work out my skin tone....

3. Skin tone: See above....

Need to think about this..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Retouching: Photo Retouching



Finished the first piece that was done via several tutorials. Learned to use many tools I had not ever used before as well as working with layers which was a nice change of pace. Not to mention though, working with many layers makes things easy to go back and edit various aspects that might need retouching again later.

Anyway, still go things to learn, but there is no better way to learn then through repitition so I am going to try to keep editing various pics that I have at home from my own camera.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Retouching: Photoshop photo retouching

Started trying to work out various tutorials I have on retouching photos inside of photoshop. Started first with a tutorial I got from a more main stream source and while the method is good, I did not like the workflow for smoothing out the skin. I think saved where I was and started to work another short video tutorial I found online from a free source. I actually liked it alot better, not to mention it is tons faster for skin tone at least.

Shall post some pictures later to this blog once I get a chance to.

Thoughts: Blog 1 - The blog of blogs

I shall be using this blog here to update you all with stuff. Dont know what. Dont know when. But there will be stuff to update with. Woot!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Random: First Test Blog

Testing to see if this works...